Saracens Appraisal Please fill in the form below Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameName of Appraisee1. What are their top 3 strengths2. What area do they need to improve in?3. Are they approachable & helpful? Selected Value: 1 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent4. Is this person professional? Selected Value: 1 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent5. How is their Hygiene, Grooming & Dressing? Selected Value: 1 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent6. Does this person follow the Saracens Rules, Systems & Procedures? Selected Value: 1 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. Excellent7. How is this person's attitude towards Colleagues & Customers? Selected Value: 1 1. Very Poor 2. Poor 3. Good 4. Very Good 5. ExcellentCommentsAny additional comments please enter:Submit